Create and Maintain a Healthy Mind, Body and Spirit

Casandra's gifts lie in helping others self-actualize their fullest expression of individuality and personhood, shamelessly, joyously and spiritually on earth. ~E. Randon

I support people
who are ready to 
transform their lives,
find lasting joy,

and experience vibrant health.


I can help you reduce pain, depression and anxiety, heal from trauma, calm your overactive mind, and increase your vitality, so that you can live the life you deserve!



What is Thought Pain Therapy?

      We are not just our body or our minds. We are complete beings effected by our thoughts and feelings in profound and life altering ways. We are powerful manifestors that have forgotten how to heal ourselves and create the lives we want. 


       I will teach you how your thoughts about your life and your health assist and prevent the healing of your mind, emotions and body. I will teach you ways to replenish your energy, establish routines for self-care and self-efficacy and strengthen your understanding of how YOU can help your mind and body heal in ways you have not yet even imagined. 


"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."



I am also the creator of the Feminine Freedom From Pain Programs. These programs are 6 month intensive workshops for women that help you maximize your healing so that you can free yourself from mental, emotional and physical pain or limitation and create a life you love, starting now!